The Magic of Reading Together: Strengthening Father Child Relationships


Being a father is never easy. The paterfamilias is meant to cater to the family’s needs and do everything to keep them happy. However, amidst the flurry of responsibilities and never-ending work and distractions, what flies away is valuable time and those precious moments when fathers need to be with their kids.

Life’s simple joys are forgotten every day and what remains is a clunk of technological advancements that are part of every family’s daily lives. Amidst the challenges of spending quality time with their children, one cannot but forget the beautiful tradition of storytelling. That’s how the bestseller kids book revives the cherished tradition and evokes the bond between the father and his child through the magic and simplicity of shared reading.

Let’s explore how fathers narrating stories to their children can become the most cherished activity and build lasting memories.

Breaking the ice and encouraging communication with bedtime stories

Ever wondered how you react when your child is keen to share their thoughts, saying “Daddy we had lots of fun in the school today” Most of the times you ignore thinking it’s another long story and the reply comes “Later my child…off to a meeting now”. What’s missing in this communication is the love bonding between a father and his child, though it’s there embedded deep inside. Why don’t you be a little more resilient toward your little one? Well, it might sound like an adage, and you simply choose to overlook your kid’s emotions. But do you realize that you may regret not giving enough time to your kids much later? Unfortunately, it won’t make a difference to your child then. So, tell yourself “Let’s call it a day…I want to be with my child”.

Next comes a tricky task and you must know that it is a slippery slope. When you decide at last to spend time with your child, they may not respond and show little interest in carrying out a conversation. The good news is that bedtime stories for kids would be a real treat for every child and a perfect ice breaker. You can hardly miss how a simple story book may create sparks of curiosity and a flurry of imaginative thoughts. Reading a story from that book would nurture the child with joy and revelry.

It also brings you physically closer to the child as both of you cling to each other and listen to stories of mountains, fairies, countries, and imaginary characters which the omniscient has created. Your child also feels secure and it’s the best time for them to absorb knowledge, unleash their power of imagination and skills. Often, children imagine themselves in the place of those characters that adorn the story and feel confident about resolving complex problems of mathematics as well as of real life.

Introducing the love of learning

Among the little things that indicate a strong bond between a father and the child is the latter’s thought that “My day knows it all”. Well, that brings us an inch closer to why being a father you must encourage your child’s quest for knowledge. So, introduce the love of learning to your child with the best books for children. Remember those books like “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Goodnight Moon” and “The Giving Tree” you read as a child and how you wanted your father to surprise you during holidays and enjoyed listening to his real-life heroic tales?

Despite being in a pool of work and handling other accountabilities, a child and the father can read together from their favorite books and engage in a love affair with the characters of those stories. The joy discovered during this story-reading session is valued and the child takes a step further to enhance their knowledge. Your kid may ask “Daddy, shall we have another storytelling session again”? That’s how the bonding grows stronger, and the stories become etched in your kid’s mind.

Picture books: crafting characters

Well, it’s time for some fun and a new way of strengthening the father child bonding. Wondering how?Injecting enthusiasm into the storytelling sessions would never have been easier without those beautiful picture books. When stories are depicted through illustrations, it becomes even more enlightening for the child to discover new ways of learning. So, go ahead, spread fun and read the stories aloud to your child from picture books for children. Ask them questions from the story and see if your child remembers the names of characters easily.

Allow them to use their thought process and interpret the story.  What the process creates is a love bonding between a father and the child. Both discover the endless possibilities that togetherness brings and yearn for happier moments together. The visual drawings foster love feelings during discussions about the story and encourage the child to speak and ask questions. From shared engagement over visuals depicted in picture story books to asking questions about characters, the learning process becomes more enjoyable.

Best seller books for kids – choosing a book

You will never know what piques your child’s interests unless you grab a copy of that bestseller kids’ book. Now, that seems a little complicated. Life’s pursuits seldom create grounds when a father and his kid spend quality time together and decide what do to. But do you even know what interests your child precisely? Be it an emotional tale, stories with morals, or war and adventures, you must allow your child to choose their favorite books.

Not only will that help them understand their likes and dislikes but makes it easier for you to figure out what your kid’s orientation is. Reading a couple of lines from “Kynderleigh Bamboo Who Rescues Who” is not initiating another storytelling session but opening a world of endeavors and revoking their favorite pastime.

Building language skills

I am sure you would agree when I say that reading together with your child builds language skills. As a father you aspire to be the best for your child, so don’t bury your wishes below a heap of excuses by not spending time with the kid. Let your child’s mind bloom with weird and interesting characters in different stories where every word makessense and stimulates their brain to grasp the language. When the child hears the same words spoken by other people, it awakens their auditory senses. So, turn the storytelling session into a regular practice to help your child master language skills in a more descriptive manner. Gradually, you will see your child trying to form sentences within the purview of a sound grammatical structure. To add more value to it, try to speak with your child using the words they learn from the stories and watch them enjoy themselves more.

Reading stories to your child – unraveling your child’s unique interests

A father reading stories to his child is the stepping stone to growing one of the most profound relationships of life. A child imbibes the teachings that come through those stories and embraces the love of dad who is no less than the superhero of those adventure stories. It weaves a string of emotions and unlocks their passion for learning. The togetherness that builds in each session makes the child feel more valued and the whole experience is like “learning from my dad”.

It’s an investment that brings lifelong returns and builds a connection that stays with the child forever. Believe it or not, reading those beautiful stories to your kid seems easier when you cannot make them eat their meals properly. Some day they will also have kids and remember their childhood experience and foster a precious relationship with them through story-reading sessions. So, create opportunities for your child to learn and “Happy Reading” until we meet again!

To explore children’s books and enrich story-reading, visit  and discover a story that talks about friendship, hope, and kindness. Join the other readers to read this heartwarming tale to your child and let them enjoy every time while turning the pages of this book and strengthen the father child bond.
